The Importance of Community
On October 23rd, our friends at Kiboko Lodge conducted their annual wildlife programme. The session, held for more than 40 villagers living around the eco-lodge, aimed to train and inform on a variety of subjects. Ranging on topics from biodiversity conservation to social-economic development post-pandemic, Kiboko Lodge is helping to educate and create awareness among the villagers on the importance of preserving the environment for future generations.
Among the discussion were the benefits of employing local community members at the lodge. In addition, the villagers in attendance were given 500 trees this year to plant in order to counter the rising deforestation issue in Tanzania.

The local villagers gathering at Kiboko Lodge
Maintaining this valuable mutual relationship between Kiboko Lodge and the nearby villagers is vital to upholding responsible tourism. But what is responsible tourism? Also known as ‘ecotourism’ the dictionary defines it as ‘tourism directed towards exotic, often threatened, natural environments, intended to support conservation efforts and observe wildlife.' Although there’s a heavy emphasis on the environment, such as reserves and national parks, it also encompasses respecting local communities.
Kiboko Lodge hosting these important events means that they’re doing their bit in their pocket of Africa, ensuring its protection for years to come for both local communities and travellers alike.

Helping to inform and educate one another at Kiboko Lodge