The Africa Travel Collective
There are thousands of tour operators, lodge owners, field guides, rangers, drivers, conservation organisations, charities, and hoteliers across East Africa with stories to tell, and with the latest information on what's happening in their pocket of the continent.
Often times, these stories go unheard, with little ability for in-country experts to reach a wider global audience, and disparate information too few and far between means journalists can’t thread together meaningful stories.
We aim to bridge the gap between the experts on the ground in Africa, and the journalist telling the stories.

For Journalists
You can't be on everyone's newsletter. Let us do the hard work of collecting the information and filtering the stories.
Once a month, we'll send you a round-up of the best stories, news, and updates from East Africa and East African travel. You can also follow our live story feed here.
Planning an upcoming article or story? Email us at [email protected] with the information you're looking for, and we'll send it out to our network of experts across East Africa. We'll compile all the information we get back, tidy it up, and send it to you before your deadline.

If you are a journalist, travel blogger, or other media professional with an interest in Africa and African travel, join the collective and receive regular updates and stories on what’s happening across the region.
What's more, by signing up you will get direct access to our network of on-the-ground experts for any publications, articles and press releases you are working on. Send us your requests, and we'll share them with our network of sources (think HARO for African travel!).
Just get in touch with us when you're working on a story, and we'll help you find the information you're looking for.
ATC: How It Works (Media)

Brilliant says
The collective gives you access to the latest information from across East Africa as and when you need it, but that's not all. We'll also send you a monthly round-up of the latest news and developments from across the continent. Get in touch with us if you'd like to learn more about any of these stories, or work them into an upcoming piece.
For Sources
If you live and work in East Africa, or are otherwise dialled in to the developments of the region - consider joining our list.
Once a month, we’ll send out an email request for the latest stories. These don’t have to be big, headline-swallowing events, just the latest stories from your corner of East Africa.
We’ll share your stories with our network of travel journalists and bloggers.
We're often asked for information or quotes from journalists to support their upcoming stories. We share these media requests with everyone in the collective, giving you more opportunities to get your business in the press.
ATC: How It Works (Sources)